Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000013s ]
[ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000092s ]
[ app_begin ] --START--
Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000686s ]
Run Behavior\CronRunBehavior [ RunTime:0.000541s ]
[ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.001291s ]
[ view_parse ] --START--
[ template_filter ] --START--
Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000205s ]
[ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.017176s ]
[ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.017217s ]
[ view_filter ] --START--
Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000260s ]
[ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000286s ]
[ app_end ] --START--
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_site_setting` [ RunTime:0.0005s ]
SELECT `item`,`value` FROM `heli_site_setting` [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_mobile_setting` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `heli_mobile_setting` WHERE ( item="m_site_theme" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_nav` [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( status=1 and display_type in (1,3) ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`type`,`display_type`,`module_id`,`class_id`,`path`,`open_type`,`link_type`,`link_url` FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc,id asc [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( status=1 and display_type in (2,3) ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_textblock` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT `name`,`content`,`desc` FROM `heli_textblock` WHERE ( status=1 and scense="pc" ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_listblock` [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_listblock` WHERE ( status=1 and scense="pc" ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_news_class` [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
SELECT `path` FROM `heli_news_class` WHERE ( id=28 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT `id` FROM `heli_news_class` WHERE ( concat(path,",") like "0,28,%" or id=28 ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_news` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_news` WHERE ( status=1 and isrecommend=0 and class_id in (28) ) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 5 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_service` [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_service` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_ad` [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
SELECT `class_id`,`picurl`,`url`,`picdesc`,`picname` FROM `heli_ad` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_keywords_list` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT `name` FROM `heli_keywords_list` WHERE ( hot_status=1 ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT `name` FROM `heli_keywords_list` WHERE ( tag_status=1 ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_link` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_link` WHERE ( status=1 ) ORDER BY sort desc [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_message` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `heli_message` WHERE ( isread=0 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_region` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT `alias`,`name` FROM `heli_region` [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_region` [ RunTime:0.0007s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_region` [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_case` [ RunTime:0.0008s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_case` WHERE ( id=101 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `heli_case` WHERE ( id<101 ) ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0002s ]
SELECT `id`,`name` FROM `heli_case` WHERE ( id>101 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ]
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `heli_case_class` [ RunTime:0.0009s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_case_class` WHERE ( id=6 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `heli_site_setting` WHERE ( item="site_keywords" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT `value` FROM `heli_site_setting` WHERE ( item="site_description" ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( id=138 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( id in (0,122) ) [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( id=138 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
SELECT * FROM `heli_nav` WHERE ( status=1 and concat(path,",") like "0,122,%" ) ORDER BY concat(path,",",id),sort [ RunTime:0.0001s ]
UPDATE `heli_case` SET `readnum`=readnum+1 WHERE ( id=101 ) [ RunTime:0.0034s ]